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How To Save A Shitty Day | The Menzini Files

6 Ways To Save A Shitty Day

October 16, 2014

How To Save A Shitty Day | The Menzini Files

You wake up with a headache and haven’t slept all that great to begin with. Your neck hurts, the light is just too bright and getting ready for work is the last thing you want to think about right now. Sound familiar? It’s one of these mornings when you just know: this is not going to be one of your favorite days ever! In fact, it’s going to be a pretty shitty day for sure. Does that ring a bell?

Nothing seems to go right and you feel yourself getting cranky on top of it. Great! I know it all too well. And while I applaud you for taking a day off wallowing in your own misery, if that happens more than a few times a year, I’d advise you to try a different approach.

Over the years, I gathered a few foolproof ways to save a shitty day almost instantly. Guaranteed! Pick what feels right to you and leave the rest. That easy! Here are six ways to save a shitty day…


And I mean this quite literally. Open windows, drink fresh cold water, breathe mindfully for a minute or two and restart your inner clock. If you’re antsy like me, let this website help you and do nothing for two minutes. Easy peasy!

When everything else fails, dance

Music is like a free therapy session in your living room, right? Come up with a playlist for those moments or just have your favorite tunes on hand. I would strongly recommend not throwing yourself a pity party with songs that match your mood but just dancing or singing along. My top three choices are The Killers’ Mr. Brightside (perfect for singing screaming along), Florence and the Machine’s Dog Days Are Over (this one always gets me in a good mood), and Chromeo’s Fancy Footwork (to pretend I am rehearsing for Step Up 3 and I’m usually out of breath halfway in…).

If a heavy headache prevents you from busting a move, maybe some calmer tunes or just the sound of rain might help soothe your nerves?!

Have a good laugh

For some it might be cat videos on YouTube, for others, it’s a Jim Carrey movie, a meme, or a dad joke. Whatever usually works for you, give it a try on this shitty day and find out if it works. I tend to crack up watching really bad tv show bloopers. To each their own.


What a king’s jester would’ve done in medieval times, a good friend can do today. A little bit of cheering you up is in order and you can always offer to return the favor next time they’re walking around with a dark cloud over their head. If you’re not feeling like talking (I do sometimes), texting will work just fine. Promised.


Also known as the happy hormone, there are proven and tested ways to multiply them by eating the right things. Happy belly, happy mind – but don’t stuff your face with junk food – you’ll regret it the next day. Just have a really nice piece of cake or something more savory if you prefer. I love me some good coffee but for days like this, I turn to witchcraft and whip up some fudgy brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Always works. Chocolate does make me happy!

How To Save A Shitty Day | The Menzini Files


Whatever you do, always remember: You have a bad day, not a bad life! Take a day off if you can, stay in bed, leave work early, take a walk through the park at lunch break, move your chores to tomorrow and just be – whatever works for you and your life but be kind and gentle and treat yourself like a trusty friend – with love, not guilt!

Have you tried any of these tips? What helps you to save a shitty day?

(Images via Eva Not)

  1. noor says:

    Perfect timing bc everything seems pretty crappy right now in my life.

  2. Nina Beana says:

    These are all great suggestions! I love to have some beauty time to myself, whether that’s at home or in a salon. A good eyebrow wax really helps me since it changes the look of my face.

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini