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The 5 Best Books For Mental Health Support | The Menzini Files

The 5 Best Books for Mental Health Support

November 21, 2022

how to come alive again tmf

Saturday morning I woke up to a lot of snow – wasn’t it just summer? – and it dawned on me that the holidays are just a few weeks away. I don’t know about you but despite the cheer and festivities, I need even more me-time than usual to recharge and relax. These books for mental health support gave me the tools to check in with myself regularly and set firm boundaries when needed.

There is no shame in asking for help or doing whatever you need to do to be comfortable – in everyday life, at work, or family gatherings. Read on to find your own little toolbox, scientific explanations, or just a comforting hug (or a hot shower) in one of these books to support your mental health…

The Best Books For Mental Health Support Right Now

There I Am by Ruthie Lindsey

A memoir about the journey from hopelessness to healing is about Ruthie Lindsey’s healing journey that’s quite harrowing, but mostly about her strong will and the work, she puts in to get better. It’s about trusting yourself and fighting for yourself to find joy again.

Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden by Stefanie Stahl

This book by a German therapist is about reparenting your inner child. I am not aware of an English version yet, but it is such a great lesson in doing the shadow work and healing your inner child as an adult as only you can. She explains the shadow child and the sunshine child with relatable situations. My therapist actually recommended this one to me and it did spur a lot of growth and healing in my own journey.

Why has nobody told me this before? by Dr. Julie Smith

This book is known to be a toolkit for many situations you might find yourself in like managing anxiety, dealing with criticism, and learning to forgive yourself. It’s like a friend offering a shoulder and friendly advice that’s easy to relate to. Instead of long explanations, it offers bite-size advice that is actionable and relevant.

What happened to you? by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry

Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing from one of the leading brain development and trauma experts Dr. Perry shares insight on how childhood trauma and adversity can manifest in your body. This book suggests ways to heal backed by insightful science and vulnerable conversations with Oprah Winfrey sharing her own journey of healing and acceptance.

How to come alive again by Beth McColl

And finally, my favorite of the bunch, which I still browse through regularly when needed. It works as a guidebook and toolkit in one for those suffering from depression and mental illness plus for those close to someone they’d wish to support better. In How To Come Alive Again author Beth McColl talks about her own experience with medication (and how that didn’t work for her) and teaches you to self-regulate when needed – why a hot shower and your favorite body lotion can make you feel instantly better physically and mentally! I have gifted this book many times and don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

Read more about my picks and follow along on Goodreads here!

Which Book helps your mental health this season?

  1. Caroline says:

    How To Come Alive Again sounds like a very good book, I will add it to my list :)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini