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5 Feminism Books You Need To Read Right Now | The Menzini Files

5 Feminism Books You Need To Read

March 11, 2017

5 Feminism Books You Need To Read Right Now | The Menzini Files

Even though the last couple of weeks have been crazy over here, I managed to read way more than I did these past six months combined. That’s why I wanted to talk about books today, especially feminism books, I came up with five great options you need to read. You in?

It all started with Galentine’s Day. I found this rad book called Bad Girls Throughout History and had to send it to my girl Nina since it made me think of her so much. Meanwhile, I got a copy for myself and it’s such a fun read chock-full of interesting facts and covers every badass woman you could possibly think of: from Marie Antoinette to Maya Angelou, from Josephine Baker to Tina Fey, and from Oprah to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elizabeth Taylor. Yes, it’s exactly as inspiring as it sounds!

Feminism Books are for everyone

Another book tailored to educate (little) girls is Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. I think it’s dedicated to everyone really. I love the intro that says “To the rebel girls of the world: Dream bigger, aim higher, fight harder. And, when in doubt, remember you are right!” How awesome is that?! Again, this book introduces powerful women throughout history from different fields of expertise, such as mathematicians, writers, activists, surfers, tattoo artists, politicians, even spies (!), gymnasts, and marine biologists. Basically, it’s for all the girls out there who dream of becoming more than a princess who waits around for a prince to save her!

A book delivery that was highly anticipated by yours truly was Difficult Women by Roxane Gay. I read and heard so many wonderful things about it and couldn’t wait to finally get my hands on it and for a good reason. It’s the first book from Roxane Gay I got to read, but definitely not my last! These 21 short stories of women from all walks of life are powerful and heart-wrenching to read but so so beautifully written, you just know you will read them again!

Men Explain Things to Me consists of seven essays that are basically the antidote to the mansplaining culture. It was a total surprise find since it was a suggested read and what can I say? With a click, it went into the shopping cart, and rightfully so. If you’ve ever been mansplained – and if you are a woman, chances are high you have been – this read is for you!

And last but not least, let me throw A Short History of Women into the mix. This novel chronicles five generations of women beginning in 1914 and deals with the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters. Though it’s only around a 270-page read, it is thought-provoking and was admittedly hard for me to get through. In a way, I think this stems from my own complicated family dynamic. Still, it’s an important read for any woman who has ever struggled to find her own voice!

Read more about my picks and follow along on Goodreads here!

Which feminism books would you add to the must-read list?

  1. Ellie Pilcher says:

    I love this post! I really want to read A Short History of Women and Bad Girls Throughout History! They sound great! I’ve recently picked up Difficult Women as well :) Fab post!

    Ellie | EllesBellesNotebook

    • Martina Menzini says:

      Thank you, Ellie! I can wholeheartedly recommend all of them. For me, A Short History of Women was particularly hard to digest though.

  2. Sara Strauss says:

    I’ve been wanting to read more books on feminism lately, so this is very timely! I actually just picked up We Should All Be Feminists yesterday at the Strand. It’s a quick but enlightening read! Definitely want to get Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls and Difficult Women!

    • Martina Menzini says:

      Oh yeah, that’s a good one too. You’ll love those two!!
      I wanted to focus on a few not-so-well-known ones, but I have to add Take 2 soon :)

  3. hopefray says:

    I just read “Men explain things to me” and loved it. I’ll have to add the others to my tbr-list. Do you know “Girl Up”? Full of information and humor!

    • Martina Menzini says:

      I found it very true! No, I don’t, but thanks for the suggestion, keep ’em coming :)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini