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How To Revamp Your Coffee Game | The Menzini Files

3 Easy Ways To Revamp Your Coffee Game At Home

February 27, 2017

How To Revamp Your Coffee Game | The Menzini Files

My love for coffee almost sounds like a cliché but it runs deep and we’re in it for the long run. So I thought why not share ways to revamp your coffee game at home today?! There’s just something about my personal coffee ritual and the different ways I like to enjoy my cup throughout the year, that deserves a closer observation…

WANTED: Coffee and all the creamy milk froth

I like my coffee strong. Made from a balanced mix of robusta and arabica beans but not too much acidity. That’s why usually espresso doesn’t work for me. Like Carrie Bradshaw once said: “I like my coffee like hearing the truth, with a touch of milk in it.” In my case, that milk needs to be soy milk and frothed into creamy perfection. Since I am still looking for someone who just gets it, I might need to become my very own barista.

For my new place, I finally want to get my own Dream Home Coffee Bar and a pump espresso machine, I can actually handle. Including milk frother and all. From what I know so far, the DeLonghi Dedica Style is where it’s at. I know that I need to quit the habit of pricey lattes to go asap.

How To Revamp Your Coffee Game | The Menzini Files

My Current Coffee Ritual at Home

Back in my old apartment, I used a Bialetti Moka Express Stovetop Coffee Maker. The technique is quite simple and the result is full-bodied strong coffee that works great with or without sugar and a nice shot of milk.

As a true java junkie at heart, that should tick all the boxes, right?! Well, kind of. A cup of coffee from the Bialetti smells and tastes amazing, but I do miss the milk froth and don’t care so much for electric frothers, which would make the DeLonghi Dedica the perfect choice.

How To Revamp Your Coffee Game | The Menzini Files

the perfect iced coffee for summer

During the hot and humid summers in Vienna, I bet I could actually live solely from chilled watermelon chunks and iced coffee. The latter works best with my Bodum French Press. As I said, I have nearly tried all the coffee tools so far. With this one, I like to use coarse ground coffee, lots of ice cubes, and a splash of soy milk or sometimes even coconut milk, when I need something more savory. Now you know the way to my heart, people: a perfect cup of coffee ♥

What is your coffee ritual at home?

  1. Karl Fröhlich says:

    solltest Du mal nach München kommen, dann gehört ein Abstecher zur Kaffeerösterei am Viktualienmarkt zu Deinem Pflichtprogramm ;)

  2. I’m no coffee person at all, tea all the way and even tea doesn’t need to be fancy :D

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini