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4 Non-Cheesy Takes on Valentine's Day | The Menzini Files

4 Non-Cheesy Takes on Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2017

4 Non-Cheesy Takes on Valentine's Day | The Menzini Files

Red roses make me gag (not only on Valentine’s day), candy is way too sweet for my taste and I prefer to rewatch Castle with a crispy eggplant pizza over a candlelight dinner any day of the week. Not hard to realize by now that I am not a big fan of typical Valentine’s Day activities. The only exception would be dark chocolate, I mean chocolate always works, right?! Still, I think it’s a great opportunity to show some extra love today. Here are my – admittedly non-traditional – takes on how to spend Valentine’s Day in a more meaningful way…

Donate blood together

It’s true, I totally pulled a Dylan McKay on you with this one. To this day, the Beverly Hills 90210 episode where Dylan surprises Brenda with a date at a blood donation center, is my favorite. Who needs an overpriced candle-light-dinner, when you can share something intimate together and do good at the same time?! That’s a Valentine’s Day date after my own heart.

Pick a Cause and Volunteer

Not a fan of needles? I don’t blame you. What about getting involved with your favorite charity instead?! Many charities in larger cities host special events or fundraisers today and are happy to have some extra hands around. Just help out in whatever way you can at a local animal shelter or soup kitchen or hospital. It sure will make you feel more grounded and grateful and maybe even closer to your significant other for deciding to volunteer together.

Treat A Stranger

I like to pay the coffee for a stranger from time to time and generally like those random acts of kindness. I also heard stories where this went horribly wrong, instead treat your coworkers to a little breakfast or an afternoon round of coffee, tea, and cake. Simply put: spread love and nothing says love like cake does!

Write a heartfelt note

I bet there are plenty of people who are not close to you or related to you but still make your life so much easier. Your mailman, your neighbor who always holds on to your packages, a friendly face who greets you every morning with a smile when you pick up your breakfast, just to name a few. Take a minute to write a note or a card, and say thank you! It will make their day and who says Valentine’s Day is only for lovebirds anyways?

How do you like to spend your valentine’s day?

(Photo by Alina Karpenko)

  1. Those are great ideas :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Christine says:

    Donating blood is kin of a cool idea but would be a nightmare for me. It would end with me having a blackout. Very romantic! ;)

    • Martina Menzini says:

      Ha, Christine, I totally get it! But it would be a different kind of V-Day experience. right?! :P

  3. Ich bin auch kein Valentinstagsfan… Da sind deine Ideen deutlich sinnvoller, als Rosen und Pralinen! :)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini