Being out and about all day, the last thing I wanted to think about was cooking for myself. So on the verge of getting hangry, I conveniently snuck into a lovely little Italian place nearby. I enjoyed their signature plate of pasta with eggplant, tomatoes, anchovy, and olives, treated myself to some bubbly Pellegrino aranciata (my fave!) for a change, and had time to read as well.
Would you eat out alone? is a question I never really asked myself before. That day, I was just about to enjoy the last bite of my meal when I got a text from a friend asking if I am up for a late lunch. I quickly told her I just had late lunch by myself, when she replied: “By yourself? As in Alone?”, in disbelief. It was then and there that it dawned on me that I actually like to go to a restaurant by myself and never thought much of it at all. Is it weird to eat out alone? I never considered the fact that it might come across as peculiar.
Traveling alone a lot does that to you, I guess. And while I am all about eating out with friends and having sisters brunch, of course, from time to time I do enjoy hiding away in a little nook of a restaurant just by myself and having a proper meal there instead of just a snack-to-go. To me, it’s the ultimate luxury and also my way of having me-time once in a while.
“It´s pure bliss. You should give it a try sometime”, I texted back almost triumphantly while asking for the check…
What about you? Would you eat out alone?
(Image via Stylist UK)
Ich gehöre absolut zu den Menschen, die gut und gerne mit sich selbst allein bleiben können. Daher beantworte ich deine Frage absolut mit “ja”!
Tschakka :)
I do stuff by myself all the time! I eat alone, shop alone, go to movies alone. Sometimes I just want to relax by myself but out in public haha! :)
I love to do things alone, Sara! I totally agree! Still for some people it´s weird or “desperate” to do so. I think if you can´t be happy in your own company, you never truly are…
I’ve found such solace and peace being alone over the last nearly 2 years. It’s such a nice way to grow comfortable with yourself. :)
I agree. The first time is weird but it´s easy getting used to and I won´t miss it anymore!
Interessant… in der Mensa sitz ich auch alleine, aber ich war noch nie allein im Restaurant oder im Kino. Alleine Shoppen kann ich aber sehr gut :D
Probiers mal aus. Es ist großartig!