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Let's talk about me-time | The Menzini Files

Let’s Talk About Me-Time

June 17, 2014

Let's talk about me-time | The Menzini Files

Are you having regular dates with yourself? Do you make sure to get much-needed me-time every other week?

Until very recently I didn’t consciously think about that. I always made sure to take care of my seemingly endless to-do lists and called an early bedtime a blessing in disguise.
One day the alarm gently reminded me that it was time to get up and work when I just couldn’t and called my boss to take a day off. Then I treated myself to breakfast and a serious round of magazine reading. I spend the whole morning having great coffee, my beloved avocado eggs benedict, and fresh fruit while getting cozy with my favorite magazines.

Now I try to work on re-charging my batteries sooner rather than later, by reminding myself that it’s okay to slow down from time to time.

Still, that morning was pure bliss. I wish I could do that every week but I do get this kind of me-time around once a month or every six weeks and it feels like a short vacation of sorts. Totally energizing!

Sometimes I add a little shopping spree and get a new tee or enjoy a beauty regimen at home since we don’t have the possibility of mani-pedis on every corner. During the colder months of the year, an afternoon with Cary Grant and Debra Kerr and some decadent hot chocolate does the trick.

What is your favorite way to spend me-time?

  1. EWB says:

    Such a great piece, Martie! “Me time” is an essential part of wellness. I usually get mine in at the gym. 45 minutes on a treadmill where I can just zone out, listen to music and watch a little HGTV. It’s perfect.

  2. NinaBeana says:

    I love spending a night inside watching whatever TV/movie I want with a glass of wine and going through all my fun beauty products and treating myself to a facial, manicure, and pedicure, etc. I will test out some products I haven’t yet and attempt at organizing everything. Now Rex will be in the mix and that’s even more exciting!!

    • Martina Menzini says:

      That’s right up my alley. Haha, is it weird I keep picturing Rex pointing at his favorite nail polish for you to try?! :)

  3. Yay for me-time! I love just laying on my bed and reading or watching KDramas on my iPad!

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini