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May Note ft. Daniela Karpenos from The Cosmic Latte

May Note | Breakfast Love And Astrocartography ft. Daniela Karpenos from The Cosmic Latte

May 28, 2023

May Note ft The Cosmic Latte Daniela Karpenos

May you’ve gone by way too fast for my liking! This Monthly Note is coming to you from a sunny Malmö Sunday where I am enjoying my last weekend before heading back to Vienna next week. It’s always bittersweet…

The May Note

I am a May baby through and through, not only because of my birthday but also because it’s prime peony season, it’s the spring messenger and usually the first month of the year when I take a real vacation and get to truly relax. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy a day off here and there but actually packing your bag and boarding a flight just hits differently.

It’s no secret that I enjoy breakfast more than any other meal of the day – even as brunch later in the day (see all Brunch Queen posts here) or even as breakfast for dinner. It’s just the greatest. Although I am a creature of habit when it comes to my daily meals – aren’t we all?! – I like to try out new dishes from time to time. One that definitely will be added regularly from now on is this flavourful dish that keeps you full for a while: Skillet Breakfast Potatoes by The Chutney Life. If you like savory breakfast and Indian spices, this one is for you!

What podcasts are you listening to these days? I’ve been a long-time listener of Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard and was delighted to see he recently interviewed Jane Fonda. I downloaded the episode for my flight and was just in awe of this woman. I can’t wait to dive into her book this summer! She’s such a trailblazer and paved the way for artists and actresses today. It’s an incredible legacy! Listen here, if you’re curious.

Warmer weather always makes me want to not use any body lotion but I should know better by now. The skin needs it, no matter the season! Instead of heavy body oils and creams, grab a lighter, citrus-scented one that leaves no oily residue, and gives you a nice glow, plus extra skin-firming perks. I always go back to my trusty frei body oil.

Last but not least, let me introduce you to the creator of the month: Daniela Karpenos from The Cosmic Latte! She is such a powerhouse and my favorite Instagram follow for all things astrology. Her writing prompts are spot on and her weekly moon guide newsletter is my favorite monthly investment. I recently booked a Matcha Latte Business session with her and had her look into the astrocartography of my birth chart – The Cosmic Latte Astromap – and it is so insightful and interesting. To me, it feels like peeling back another layer of myself, if that makes sense. Definitely check out Daniela and The Cosmic Latte and say hi from me if you like :)

Happy Sunday!

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini