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A Soft Year - TMF Mixtape | The Menzini Files

A Soft Year | A TMF Mixtape

February 5, 2023

A Soft Year - TMF Mixtape | The Menzini Files

This is the first year since my teenage days I actually made a vision board of sorts. That image above is a little glimpse into it. It almost took me all of January to finish it but good things take time. A Soft Year is my theme for 2023! I want to live more in tune with myself, let things come to me, and be less in a hustle mode. So far so good.

This playlist is mixtape No. 21 and it’s a good reminder of just that. 14 mellow but empowering songs with a very fierce feminine vibe, just right up my alley!

If that is what you are craving this year as well, give it a listen below and follow along on Spotify for 20 more themed mixtapes

Listen here

A Soft Year |  ME Time |  OFF DAYS

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini