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Monday Madness GRLPWR | The Menzini Files

Monday Madness | GRLPWR

May 1, 2017

Monday Madness | GRLPWR

Hello May! My birthday month has officially begun and I am stoked as can be. Also, it’s Monday and on Mondays, we share some link love over here. Time for some GRLPWR!

Let’s go:

“And in the end I think, it’s ok to not be spectacular every single day”… Sara, in her thought-provoking piece called Be a Blossom Tree. Go, read it!

• How self-doubt and oversharing go hand-in-hand sometimes. The Shiny Pretty Happy’s very own Amy is shining a light on that matter in Uncomfortable.

• Chloe’s Running On Empty post had me all nodding and clapping over here. We need to talk openly and unapologetically about mental health and its many faces, ladies! That’s GRLPWR too!

“If someone wants to be a feminist, I’m not going to be the clipboard girl denying entry to the club because ‘You’re doing it wrong’ “… Oh, Maddie, never change!

7 Tips On How To Travel Alone since you guys keep asking. I did my best to gather all the juicy info into one post!

• Geri is keeping it real on her journey and latest life update: Heart Vs. Ego. Kudos to you, lady!

• YES, YES, YES! Can We Stop Judging Other People’s Reproductive Choices?! #mybodymychoice

GIRLS: The Final Season was the Show at its Saddest and its Best… While the last season was strong, the final one was undoubtedly the best. So. Many. Feels! I tweeted up a storm and I am not ashamed to admit that it took me six seasons to warm up to the characters to finally get them.

What would you add to this week’s gRLPWR links?

  1. Erini says:

    So much YES to that ravishly post on reproductive choices! Most people tend to think my interest in adoption is solely due to my medical issues… but a lot of it is that I do not do well with tiny squishy infants. But people tend to look at you like you’re a horrible human if you say that. I just know myself and my limits and would rather start with a toddler or older if I decide to do the kid thing. Especially if I choose to do it alone — which, oy, the talks I get when I even causally mention maybe being a single parent.

    • Martina Menzini says:

      Thank you so much for speaking openly about that topic, Erini! I whole-heartedly agree with everything you said and I much rather be open about my flaws, my strengths and the things I know I do not want or cannot deal with, than doing it the traditional way and end up utterly unhappy! So yeah, standing ovations to you girl! xo

  2. Amy Wiebe says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out, Martina! I love your sense of community here!

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini