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Monday Madness Feminist AF | The Menzini Files

Monday Madness | Feminist AF

August 14, 2017

Monday Madness Feminist AF | The Menzini Files

It’s August and the early morning air smells like fall already. Can you feel it too? Oh, I can’t wait for my favorite season to come around! But for now, it’s Monday and we’re long overdue for a good old issue of Monday Madness, aren’t we?! I feel especially feminist AF this morning, you?

I am happy to share some much-needed link love today, and I am proud to feature some great bloggers and female writers as usual. Keep spreading some girl power! Speaking of…

• Ana really hit a soft spot with her post Why you feel there’s not enough time in a day? We all can relate, now can we?!

On Kindness vs Niceness – I am totally on board with Jack and feel the same way. There’s a not-so-subtle difference!

“I love my body, but I don’t always like it”, could definitely be a quote by yours truly. It’s from Jackie though, a badass blogger I started following eons ago. Vulnerability sure is Feminist AF!

• Callie Thorpe called out internet trolls and raised awareness on the issue. Here she speaks up about the hate she received lately – “I was trolled after appearing in Vogue”. Will this ever stop?

What to do when social media makes you hate everyone? A not-so-subtle nod to this current phenomenon and what to do about it.

And last but not least, since we all could need a bit more kindness right now, a trip down the archives: What this world needs

How are you going to be Feminist AF this week?

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini