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Monday Madness Sheroes | The Menzini Files

Monday Madness | Sheroes

October 9, 2017

Monday Madness | Sheroes

Isn’t that artwork above just gorgeous? It’s called Silenced Voices of Everyday Sheroes by Samanta Tello and the explanation reads:

For far too long, women have been silenced by patriarchal societies in most cultures, if not all. I believe we can rise above our anger and remove the barriers to our success — by talking, sharing, communicating our thoughts to each other, redefining our own expectations, and never assuming that we must play fixed, female roles (…)

Yes, to all of this! Framed and hung in Casa Menzini as we speak. And since I love sharing amazing content as you know, welcome to a new installment of Monday Madness link love. I love putting these together and I am happy to share some amazing reads by fellow badass females once again. So far I have only ever included English links but from now on, when I stumble on something I want to share – in whatever language – I will. Today, I start with a German article that is so important! It is my native language after all.

Let’s jump right into it, shall we:

How being a minimalist helps with my anxiety. Ana made some excellent points on how to deal with anxiety triggers when we’re surrounded by (literally) too much.

Du kannst mit Kopftuch keine Feministin sein – doch kann ich! Great piece by Edition F!

• Why having a fuller figure and Feel Good Lingerie work very well together, as shown by Callie. Yas!

• One of my faves: 3 Women on What They’ve Learned in Their 70+ Years of Life. Preach!

5 Ways My Mental and Financial Health Improved When I Started Living Alone is such a clever read and take on a single (living) life.

“Tell me again, what is it you do, exactly?” How to wear different hats and constantly reinvent yourself in business and life.

7 Books on Womanhood to read next – in case you’re looking for your next read, you found it!

• Now I want to start a Dinner Club too!! What do you think?

Alike – an amazing animated short film about what happens when society kills creativity. Must watch!

Happy Monday, Sheroes!

  1. hopefray says:

    The Edition F article is amazing, the best thing I’ve read on the internet these past days or weeks, so thank you!
    I also really enjoyed the lingerie article. I feel the same way about it, lingerie somehow manages to make me feel comfortable, especially now that I’ve finally bought some new bras that actually fit me :)

    • Martina Menzini says:

      I thought so too, Hope! Loved reading it!
      Totally with you on that. Somehow lingerie is the last thing I spend money on but it’s so worth it to have nice bras and panties that fit nicely.

  2. Diana Mieczan says:

    A dinner club is such a great idea….I’d love to be part of something so fun:) Have a great day. xoxo

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini