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Monthly Note December | The Menzini Files

December Note | The Stories We Tell ft. Jess Zimlich

December 31, 2022

What I Loved In December - The Monthly Note | The Menzini Files

Welcome back to the Monthly Note on the last day of 2022! Feels nostalgic, doesn’t it? It’s my favorite blog category right now to reminisce about all the good things I want to remember about the past month. What I loved in December is all about my favorite products, books, movies/shows, recipes and music this month as well as introducing you all to a fellow content creator I like following in case you’re looking for awesome people to follow too. Just a good mix of current favorites you might enjoy as well. Sound good?

Favorite Music

To be totally honest, the past few years have given me ambivalent feelings about the whole Christmas shindig. I do enjoy the very sentiment of it. The idea of cooking up a storm, decorating, and spending quality time with loved ones. In theory, it’s a lovely thought, in reality, I usually experienced stress, fights, and feeling forced to say yes to things, I’d rather say no to. Not an easy terrain to navigate for a hypersensitive person. I am glad that I was able to spend this year’s festivities super low-key with my love on his home turf with the best food, the best company, and my favorite mixtape for the holidays. ‘Twas a Christmas miracle.

Favorite Book

I am more of a quiet fan when it comes to celebrity women I admire. Joanna Gaines is no exception. She’s one of those women who seem to do it all and all so well and seemingly effortlessly too! I pre-ordered The Stories We Tell: Every Piece of Your Story Matters as soon as I was able to and couldn’t wait to dive into it as soon as it landed in my mailbox.

Being someone who had to overcome my fair share of hardships in life, I’ve been a forever supporter of the notion that you are not what happened to you but it is part of your story. I was glad to read that Joanna agrees with me and that her path, despite what it looked like from the outside, was far from effortless as well. Especially Chapter 4 – Look Up struck a chord with me, but no spoilers here…

Favorite Recipe

You can’t talk about December favorites without talking about holiday dishes! I don’t know about you but when it comes to cooking, I love to just wing it, if you know what I mean! I love finding new recipes but I always make sure to put my personal spin on them. Growing up, I hated brussels sprouts so much that even the smell of them made me feel uneasy. A few years ago, I ordered them by accident and decided to try one. Guess what? I absolutely loved that bite and made them at home two more times that week.

I don’t care about dull boiled brussels sprouts, I need all the flavor that a well-charred sprout has to offer! When I found Julia’s Album and her recipe for Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Pecans and Cranberries I knew I had to try them. It’s meant to be a side dish but I like to have it as is or with some quickly toasted sourdough bread. It’s the best!

Favorite Products

Isn’t sensitive combination skin a joy? Spoiler alert: No, it’s not! But you got to rock what you’ve got and while my T zone likes to go all out these days, my cheeks need all the hydration they can get. I use many different Aesop products in rotation but for winter I settled on this winning duo: Primrose Facial Hydrating Cream plus a drop of two of Fabulous Face Oil on my cheeks. The smell, the texture, it’s just lush and leaves my skin cozy and taken care of. The perfect me-time moment, even on otherwise hectic days!

Favorite Look/Creator

One of the accounts I loved in December was definitely Jess and her content. In my head, Jess and I are besties, so I am excited to introduce you to her as well. Formerly known for her 26 and not counting blog, Jess Zimlich is a content creator based in Chicago who celebrates the good life on a mindful scale which I love.

A few times a year, but especially in December over the holidays, I browse through my social media feeds and unfollow everyone who doesn’t spark joy to say it with Marie Kondo’s words. I don’t believe in muting. Some people and their content trigger me for several reasons or make me feel like they zap my energy. I am actively looking for accounts that provide value and are a joy to follow along and Jess is always among those and has been for years now!

I keep it short but sweet today and wish you all a happy new year, stay healthy and find joy in the little things!

What are your December Favorites?

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you. I only share what I genuinely love. Thank you for supporting TMF!

  1. Simona says:

    ahhhhh all the brussel sprouts & christmas music always! plus primrose oil is so so good!

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini