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January Note | The Menzini Files

January Note | Midnights and Baked Eggs ft. Ariesplantmami

January 29, 2023

January Note | The Menzini Files

Starting the new year sick kind of left a sour note at first. One moment, I was cleaning the home, gotten fresh flowers, burned some sage and palo santo, made a mood board, journaled, and the next moment – BOOM! After the initial fever pangs waned, I leaned into what my body demanded. I decided early on, I wanted this to be a soft year and a slow year and that reminder served me well those last few weeks. I stayed mostly offline but I still have favorites I want to share in my January Note and also slowly get back into things like this very niche on the web and writing in general. Are you ready?

favorite music

I don’t know how it happened – probably because of all the Midnights excitement – but I totally missed Luke Sital-Singh’s new album that dropped in 2022. Now that I had all the time to listen to it, I am so very enamored by it. Dressing Like A Stranger is such a good listen, those 11 songs that take you through all the emotions. Blind Missiles and Can’t Get High must have been mostly on repeat in my home these past few weeks. Do yourself a favor and listen here!

Favorite Book

I ordered Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine with the plan for it to be the first book I am reading in the new year. I finished it a mere hours before getting sick. This book has a special place in my heart, Eleanor does! No spoilers here, I will only say that it is so different from what I thought it would be, in this case, that is a good thing. I think about her a lot and that hasn’t happened in a while, not since Kya

Favorite RECIPE

Eggs are the one food I don’t want to live without. I consider myself a foodie and I love to try new dishes and recipes but eggs are so versatile and quickly made, I just never tire from eating them in whatever way, shape or form. I found these Baked Egg Ricotta Thyme Cups on Pinterest (I have a board exclusively dedicated to egg dishes on there!) and I am not joking when I tell you, I made this dish at least ten times this month, that’s how delicious it is and how quickly made. The only thing I tweaked was using lemon thyme instead of common thyme, for that extra zing. Go try it yourself!

Favorite SKincare ProductS

My skin gets really dry when I am sick. I don’t really know why that happens but it does. My face was dry and rough with red splotches. Cute, I know. So I kept it very simple, didn’t use actives for a while but masked up regularly. The one mask that made a serious difference and visibly plumped up my skin and faced the redness was Sand & Sky’s Super Bounce Face Mask. I was getting really lazy about using a weekly mask prior to getting sick, but now it’s happening religiously once or twice a week again and my skin is thanking me for it.

For the body, I love Lush’s Dream Cream. I read somewhere that it’s the only thing that helps with people’s eczema, and I can see it. It deeply moisturizes, smells divine and doesn’t leave a greasy film. Even though I use different body creams and oils throughout the year, this is the one I always find my way back to.

FAVorite Creator

If you love books and plants and candid interior posts paired with kind vibes and a knack for astrology and tattoos paired with an overall great attitude, let me introduce you to Rai better known as Ariesplantmami on Instagram. She also hosts the #sleepylavenderbookclub and her posts and stories are just a breath of fresh air in this overly saturated social media world. At the risk of sounding redundant, Rai gives a real and normal vibe, not photoshopped and immensely filtered.

I told you in December that I unfollowed many accounts because they just stressed me out. Ariesplantmami aligns with my vision of a soft year. She just invites you in and many of her book recommendations landed on my Goodread’s book list. Right now, I try to read the ones I have gotten but haven’t read yet. Only me? The struggle is real!

What’s in your January note?

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you. I only share what I genuinely love. Thank you for supporting TMF!

  1. Hi Matina,
    I came across your page after going through messages from my daughter, Raissa. This blog post really warms my heart because of someone recognizes my daughter’s kindred spirits and her knack for everything ethereal and artistic. Thank you for appreciating her and thank you for such kindness towards her. May your blog continues to shine and inspire others :)

    • Martina Menzini says:

      Thank you so much for that lovely comment, Becky! I agree, your daughter is a treasure in the online world and I needed more people to know about her :)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini