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Monday Madness - Comeback | The Menzini Files

Monday Madness | Comeback

October 24, 2022

Monday Madness - Comeback | The Menzini Files

Ahh, it feels so good to bring back Monday Madness! Sharing my favorite online reads with you plus a few noteworthy posts from the TMF archives and links that I am giddy about is the kind of comeback I’m here for! It just feels right! It’s funny how much you can miss something without being aware of it until you get back to it, and it just clicks. Did you ever experience something like that? My coffee is on point this morning too, it’s a win-win situation for sure.

Without further ado, here are the links:

Monday Madness – The Comeback

At 39, I Changed My Name – L Miller about her journey and what is really in a name?!

How 4 Black Women Artists Disrupted The Met – about what’s possible when Women Empower Women!

• Ever thought about using black wallpaper? These 6 Beautiful Renovations are a must-see!

• ICYMI, Serena Williams’ Farewell in her own words. Worth reading!

• Here’s why you should Start a Reverse Bucket List. This makes so much sense!

40 Is the New 40 – I turned forty this year and this helped with the scaries and is surprisingly on point!

“With its confident songwriting and understated synth-pop, Swift’s sophisticated 10th album indicates that she no longer feels she has to compete with her peers” – this album review by The Guardian is so on point!

+ From the TMF Archives:

3 Ways to Revamp Your Coffee Game – there’s no reason to only have subpar coffee at home!

• Looking for your next read? 7 Books on Womanhood You Need To Read Next might surprise you!

• And since traveling seems to be making a comeback again: let’s revisit these Tips on How To Travel Alone

• ICYMI I posted a Midnights Release Gift Guide last week in support of small Etsy businesses. Check it out!

Happy Monday!

(Image by Ella Jardim)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini