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Monday Madness - Magic Days | The Menzini Files

Monday Madness | Magic Days

November 14, 2022

Monday Madness | Magic Days

It’s time for another round of Monday Madness. This week we discuss Magic Days because Nadine Jane’s book finally arrived on my doorstep, I read that Mars is now in retrograde (which makes so much sense!), I take you back to my backpacking trip through India and would love for you to check out my detailed guide on face masks for glowy skin down below…

Monday Madness – Magic Days

• What in the fresh hell is Mars Retrograde doing? Gulp.

• Cosmopolitan’s New C-Suite Honorees are all women of color and impressive as hell!

Making An Enemy Out Of Envy – Grace’s essay really did strike a chord with me. Give it a read.

Magic Days arrived in the mail last week and it is even more lovely and insightful than I initially thought!

“It is a matter of an extraordinary woman deprived of basic human rights over a period of 13 years. The question worth asking is not whether the conservatorship was necessary or right — it was not — but why a father would seek to exert dictatorial control over the hour-by-hour life of his adult daughter.”House Of Spears, a fascinating article.

• On living in New York City for 20 years – such a fun retrospective. I loved living in NYC.

• I want to be Jennifer Aniston when I grow up! This stunning feature in Allure makes me adore her even more.

• Look! Fun plastic-free and sustainable (!) new sex toys!

• This soft-knit set stole my heart! It’s so versatile and perfect for a homebody like me…

• Are you looking for a new website design? Go check out Hearten Made‘s easy-to-apply and gorgeous templates!

• Plus this song lives rent-free in my head. You are welcome.

• Spoiler below! Did you watch Love is Blind Season 3? I am very invested as usual. The misery fetish is real…


• All my favorites from last month summed up in my October Note – a stunning look, a wholesome show, and super simple pasta to enjoy.

• Fancy a trip down the rabbit hole? Here are my posts about Backpacking Through India, Part I + Part II. Take me back!

• Here are My Favorite Books This Year so far – did you read any of them?

Are You Your Own Planet, Yet? – we discuss a new-to-me concept I learned in therapy, that completely changed my perspective…

• ICYMI, a detailed guide to the Best Face Masks for Glowy Skin this fall which just might include your new favorite!

Let me know your favorite link in the comments! And don’t forget to sign up for Haunted Hearts here!

Disclosure: If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you. I only share what I genuinely love. Thank you for supporting TMF!

(Image by Ella Jardim)

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Martina Menzini
Martina Menzini